Thomas Lee Email: thomasandrewlee@g.harvard.edu Postdoctoral Fellow Harvard Seismology Group Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Harvard University Download CV |
ATTENTION: If you've found me here, thanks for reading! I've since moved and can be found at any of these places: Personal Website Princeton Research Interests My current research work and interests are in the realms of non-earthquake seismic sources (e.g., volcanic tremor or oceanic microseism), digitization of paper seismograms, and especially the areas wherein these two topics intersect. My first exposure to seismology and work with the Ishii Group came through digitization of analog records using DigitSeis. This work helped open my eyes to the vast number of analog paper seismograms stored around the world, and moreover, their immense scientific value. These records represent a great resource covering an otherwise inaccesible time period. Since then, I have done work to open these records to modern analysis techniques (e.g., ambient noise correlation type studies) by developing methodologies to constrain relative timing inconsistencies between stations. Currently I am working mainly on two topics. First, I am working on investigating how various characteristics of oceanic storms may be revealed by examination of their microseismic signature. This work involves using modern instruments (and in particular, the Eastern TA) to understand signals from hurricanes with known parameters (e.g., from NOAAs HURDAT dataset). The eventual goal is to be able to resolve certain characteristics of these storms from the seismic data alone. When applied to analog seismic collections, this ability would be a powerful tool for filling out historic inventories of tropical cyclones during the pre-satellite era. This work was features in a Harvard GSAS Dissertation in One Minute film. The second topic on which I work involves investigation of problems that can arise and best practices for extraction of digital time series from microforms. These microforms include both microfilm and microfiche formats which were widely used as storage and distribution solutions during the era of analog seismology. As the seismic community moves towards preserving legacy seismic data, knowing the advantages and disadvantages of extracting data from various physical storage formats will be crucial towards effectively directing recovery and preservation efforts.
Education 2019-2024: Ph.D (Earth and Planetary Sciences), Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 2015-2019: A.B. (Cum Laude in Earth and Planetary Science, High Honors), Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 2011-2015: High School, Waiakea H.S., Hilo, HI Teaching Experience (See full CV for more detail and Mentoring Experience) EPS 100: The Missing MATLAB Course GENED 1098: Natural Disasters GENED 1085: Energy Resources and the Environment EPS 165/265: Introdution to Seismology FYSMR23I: GeoScifi Movies GENED 1137: The Challenge of Human Induced Climate Change: Transitioning to a Post Fossil Fuel Future Service Session Convener: Legacy Seismic Data Collections: The Present State of and Future Outlook for Data from the Past, Annual Meeting 2023, SSA, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 17-20 Apr. Session Co-chair: Back to the Future: Innovative New Research with Legacy Seismic Data, Annual Meeting 2021, SSA, online, 19-23 Apr. Awards (See full CV for Proposals and Funding) Bowdoin Prize: Gaduate Essay in the Natural Sciences – 2024 American Geophysical Union Jerome M. Paros Scholarship is Geophysical Instrumentation - 2023 American Institue for Conservation Photographic Materials Group Travel Grant - 2023 American Geophysical Union Outstanding Student Presentation Award – 2019, 2021, 2022 Earth and Planetary Sciences Department Graduate Teaching Award - 2022 Harvard Bok Center: Certificate of Distinction in Teaching - Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022 Harvard Bok Center: Teaching Certificate - 2022 Bowdoin Prize: Undergraduate Essay in the Natural Sciences – 2019 Hoopes Prize (Outstanding Senior Thesis) – 2019 Harvard College Undergraduate Research Program Grant – 2018, 2017 Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Student Travel Grant– 2018, 2017 Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology Student Travel Grant – 2018 Refereed Publications (* - In Prep.) Aster, R., A. Ringler, R. Anthony, and T. Lee (submitted 2023). Increasing near-coastal ocean wave energy observed in Earth’s seismic wavefield since the late 1980s, submitted to Nature Communications Ringler, A.T., T. Lee, R. E., Anthony, D. Wilson (submitted 2023). Revisiting Earth's Inner Core: Historical Data Using Modern Approaches, submitted to Seismological Research Letters. Lee, T., A. T. Ringler, R. E. Anthony, M. Ishii (2023). Comparison of Corecorded Analog and Digital Systems for Characterization of Responses and Uncertainties. Seismological Research Letters. https://doi.org/10.1785/0220230129 Lee, T., M. Ishii, and P. Okubo (2022). Assessing the Fidelity of Seismic Records from Microfilm and Paper Media, Seismological Research Letters. doi: https://doi.org/10.1785/0220220134 Lee, T., M. Ishii, & P. Okubo (2020). Relative Time Corrections for Historical Analog Seismograms Using the Single‐Day Ambient Noise Correlation Function. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 110.6 (2020): 3185-3195. *Lee, T., M. Ishii, P. Okubo (in prep.). Modeling Microseismic Observations of Hurricane Intensification and Propagation of Swell *Lee, T., M. Ishii, P. Okubo, & H. Ishii (in prep.). Extraction of Storm Parameters from Microseism: Application to Atlantic Hurricane Season 1938 *Lee, T., J. Steim, T. Van Zandt, M. Ishii (in prep.). Development of Models to Characterize Non-Orthogonality in Seismic Instruments. Other Publications Lee, T. (2019), Detection of a “Silent” Magma Intrusion Using Ambient Seismic Noise Autocorrelation Functions from the 2018 Kīlauea, Hawai‘i Eruption, Senior Thesis, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. Lee, T. (2018). DigitSeis v1.3: User Manual. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Seismology. Retrieve here Lee, T. (2017). DigitSeis v1.1: User Manual. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Seismology. Retrieve here Presentations (* - Invited) Lee. T., M. Ishii, P. Okubo, H. Ishii (2023). Observations of Oceanic Weather from Re-Analysis of 1930s Seismic Data, to be presented at 2023 Annual Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 11-15 Dec. Lee, T. M. Ishii, P. Okubo (2023). Modeling Microseism Responses to Tropical Storms: From Intensification to Dissipation, to be presented at 2023 Annual Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 11-15 Dec. *Lee, T. (2023). Historical Seismic Data for the Future: Preservation, Digitization, and Utility, to be given at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, 7 Dec. *Lee, T. (2023). Characterizing Microseismic Signals from Hurricanes: Implications for Historical Seismic Records and Storm Inventories, given at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, Palisades, Ny, 11 Oct. *Lee, T. (2023). Characterizing Microseismic Signals from Hurricanes: Implications for Historical Seismic Records and Storm Inventories, given at the Department of Earth, Environmental & Planetary Sciences, Brown University, Providence, RI, 26 Sept. Lee, T., M. Ishii, P. Okubo (2023). Lessons From Preserving and Extracting Historical Seismic Data, presented at 2023 General Assembly, IUGG, Berlin, Germany, 12-20 Jul. Lee, T., M. Ishii, P. Okubo (2023). Observations of Tropical Storms and the Atmosphere-Ocean Interactions from Seismology, presented at 2023 General Assembly, IUGG, Berlin, Germany, 12-20 Jul. Lee, T., M. Ishii, H. Ishii (2023). An Update on the Development of the DigitSeis Software, presented at 2023 Annual Meeting, SSA, San Juan, PR, 17-20 Apr. Lee, T., M. Ishii, P. Okubo, A. Maloney, and E. Bulat (2023). Photography in Seismology, presented at 2023 Winter Meeting, American Institute of Conservators, Photographic Materials Group, Austin, TX, 22-24 Feb. *Lee, T., M. Ishii, and P. Okubo (2022). Improving Pre-Satellite Era Oceanic Storm Catalogs with Seismology, presented at 2022 Annual Meeting, AGU, Chicago, IL, 12-16 Dec. Lee, T., M. Ishii, R. Anthony, A. Ringler, and P. Okubo (2022). Developing Standards for and Extracting Metadata from Legacy Seismic Records, presented at 2022 Annual Meeting, AGU, Chicago, IL, 12-16 Dec. Lee, T., M. Ishii, and P. Okubo (2022). Developing Methods to Characterize Tropical Cyclones via Long-Running Seismic Observations, presented at 2022 Annual Meeting, AGU, Chicago, IL, 12-16 Dec. *Lee, T. (2022). Investigating the Fidelity of Legacy Data Processing Chains, given at Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory, USGS, Albuquerque, NM, 12 Jul. Lee, T., M. Ishii, and P. Okubo (2021). Fidelity of Seismic Data on Microformats, presented at 2021 Annual Meeting, AGU, New Orleans, LA, 13-17 Dec. Lee, T., M. Ishii, and P. Okubo (2021). Characterization of Tropical Cyclones via Seismic Recordings and Implications for Historic Inventories, presented at 2021 Annual Meeting, AGU, New Orleans, LA, 13-17 Dec. Lee, T., M. Ishii, and P. Okubo (2021). Digitized Legacy Data: Original Paper v. Microform Copies, presented at Joint Scientific Assembly, IAGA-IASPEI, online, 21-27 Aug. Lee, T., M. Ishii, and P. Okubo (2021). Fidelity of Legacy Data Across Different Media Types, presented at 2021 Annual Meeting, SSA, online, 19-23 Apr. *Lee, T., M. Ishii, and P. Okubo (2020). The Future is the Past: Challenges with and the Scientific Value of Legacy Sesimic Data, presented at 2020 Annual Meeting, AGU, online, 1-17 Dec. Lee, T., M. Ishii, and P. Okubo (2019). Relative Time Corrections for Digitized Analog Seismograms via the Noise Correlation Function, presented at 2019 Annual Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 Dec. Lee, T., M. Ishii, H. Ishii, and T. Morinaga (2019). Moving Forward by Looking Back: Utilization of Legacy Seismic Data in the Modern Age, presented at 2019 Annual Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 Dec. *Lee, T., M. Ishii, H. Ishii, and T. Morinaga (2019). The Potential of Analog Seismograms for Science and Education, presented at Securing Legacy Seismic Data to Enable Future Discoveries, NSF Supported Workshop, Albuquerque, NM, 18-19 Sep. *Lee, T., and M. Ishii (2019). Demonstration of DigitSeis.v.1.5 (Breakout Session), presented at Securing Legacy Seismic Data to Enable Future Discoveries, NSF Supported Workshop, Albuquerque, NM, 18-19 Sep. *Lee, T., and M. Ishii (2019). Relative Time Corrections for Digitized Analog Records, presented at Securing Legacy Seismic Data to Enable Future Discoveries, NSF Supported Workshop, Albuquerque, NM, 18-19 Sep. Lee, T., M. Ishii, and P. Okubo (2019), Interpretations of and Proposed Model for Progressive Decorrelation of Auto-Correlation Functions on the East Rift Zone of Kīlauea during the Volcanic Activity of 2018, presented at 2019 Annual Meeting, SSA, Seattle, WA, 23-26 Apr. Lee, T., M. Ishii, and H. Ishii (2019). DigitSeis: Near-Fully Automated Conversion of Paper Seismograms to Digital Time Series, presented at 2019 Annual Meeting, SSA, Seattle, WA, 23- 26 Apr. M., Ishii, T. Morinaga, and T. Lee (2019). The Potential of Analogue Seismograms for Science and Education, presented at 2019 Annual Meeting, SSA, Seattle, WA, 23-26 Apr. Lee, T., M. Ishii, and P. Okubo (2018). Temporal Velocity Changes on the East Rift Zone of Kīlauea Concurrent with the Volcanic Activity of 2018 Interpreted from Changes in Single- Station Correlation Functions, Abstract V43J-0300 presented at 2018 Fall Meeting, AGU, Washington, D.C., 10-14 Dec. Lee, T., M. Ishii, and J. Taber (2018). DigitSeis: Opportunities for Digitization of Analog Seismograms Through Educators and Citizen Science, Abstract ED51C-0683 presented at 2018 Fall Meeting, AGU, Washington, D.C., 10-14 Dec. Lee, T., M. Ishii, and P. Okubo (2018). Consistent inconsistencies: A new method for assessing time corrections needed for analog seismograms, Poster M1 presented at 2018 Workshop, IRIS, Albuquerque, NM, 12-14 Jun. Lee, T., and M. Ishii (2017). Teleseism-based relative time corrections for modern analyses of digitized analog seismograms, Abstract S21C-0769 presented at 2017 Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans, LA, 11-15 Dec.