Samson Marty Samson Marty

Harvard Seismology Group
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Harvard University

Research Interests

Currently student in master of Geosciences at the Ecole Normale Superieur de Paris I am doing a six-month internship within the group of Professor Miaki Ishii.
I am interested in Fundamental Geosciences in general and particularly in Seismology. My interests among others include earthquake rupture, seismic tomography and earthquake source. I would like to improve my knowledges in geophysics and seismology in order to further understand mechanisms of earthquake ruptures, interactions within the interior of the Earth and what we can learn and predict about that.


2014 Degree in Fundamental Geosciences, Universite Paris Diderot, Paris, France.
2010 High School Diploma specialized in Sciences, Marcelin Berthelot, Saint-Maur des Fosses, France.

Professional Experience

2014 Internship at the Ecole normal Superieur, Paris, France. The main purpose of this internship was to study the influence of the confining pressure on the dynamics of the rupture. Two triaxial tests have been made on a peridotite from Balmuccia.

Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences / Harvard University / 20 Oxford Street / Cambridge / MA 02138 / U.S.A. / Telephone: +1 617 495 2350 / Fax: +1 617 496 1907 / Email: