Xuemeng Lu Xuemeng Lu
Email: xuemenglu94@gmail.com
Summer Intern (2015)

Harvard Seismology Group
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Harvard University

Research Interests

I am interested in earthquake mechanisms and the internal structure of the Earth. Particularly, my project is focusing on the application of an automatic picking code (developed by Harvard seismology group) for shear-wave splitting analysis. With this method, a large database of shear-wave splitting measurements could be built for further understanding the Earth's interior, such as the dynamics and chemistry of subduction zones.
As my favorite quote from Albert Einstein goes, “As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it.” While exploring the beauty of seismology, I would love to strengthen my theoretical knowledge and practical skills by working with seismic data.


2015 - present M.Sc. (Applied Geophysics), TU Delft, Netherlands/ETH Zurich, Switzerland/RWTH Aachen, Germany.
2015 B.Sc. (Earth and Space Sciences), Jacobs University Bremen, Germany.

Professional Experience

2014 Summer Internship, the University of Tokyo, Japan.

Xuemeng Lu

Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences / Harvard University / 20 Oxford Street / Cambridge / MA 02138 / U.S.A. / Telephone: +1 617 495 2350 / Fax: +1 617 496 1907 / Email: reilly@eps.harvard.edu