Prof. Dziewonski receives 1998 Crafoord Prize

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the 1998 Crafoord Prize in geosciences with special emphasis upon "the dynamics of the deeper parts of the Earth" to Don L. Anderson, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA, and Adam M. Dziewonski, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA, for their fundamental contributions to our knowledge of the structures and processes in the interior of the Earth

In the picture above, His Majesty the King of Sweden (on right) is presenting Prof. Dziewonski with the prize, with co-recipient Don Anderson in the background.

You can read the full press release for the prize, as well as Prof. Dziewonski's acceptance speech, or a summary of his research.

The Crafoord Prize

Anna-Greta and Holger Crafoord’s Fund was established in 1980 to promote basic research in mathematics, astronomy, the biosciences (particularly ecology), the geosciences and polyarthritis. Both an international prize and research grants to Swedish scientists are awarded among the sciences mentioned. In 1998 the prize amounted to US$ 500 000. The prize is awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Formatted by Erik WF Larson
Last modified: Tue Sep 29 15:13:17 EDT 1998

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