Isabella Lorrainy Altoe Isabella Lorrainy Altoé
Email: altoeisabella (at) email (dot) arizona (dot) edu
Summer Intern (Brazil Scientific Mobility Program)

Harvard Seismology Group
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Harvard University

Research Interests

I am really passionate about how we can use seismologic data, developing numerical techniques to model seismic wave propagation, and imaging of Earth’s deep interior. I am very interested in using seismology to understand Earth’s structure, composition and dynamics. My currently project involves a use of recently developed MATLAB software to digitize seismograms recorded at the Harvard Adam Dziewoński Observatory between 1933 and 1953 for future analysis. I intend to benefit from this opportunity to learn more about analytical and computational skills to organize and interpret the vast amounts of data generated by earthquakes.


2012 - present B.Sc. (Geology), Universidade de Brasília, Brazil
2014 - 2015 Visiting Student (Geology), University of Arizona


ALTOÉ, I.L., FRANÇA, G.S., ALBUQUERQUE, D.F., PAVÂO, C.G., ROCHA, M.P., VILAR, C.S., 2013. Preliminary results of the crust’s structure under PCTB and CRRB stations. in 13th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society EXPOGEF, Rio de Janeiro.

Isabella Lorrainy Altoe

Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences / Harvard University / 20 Oxford Street / Cambridge / MA 02138 / U.S.A. / Telephone: +1 617 495 2350 / Fax: +1 617 496 1907 / Email: