subroutine readModel (A, B, lmax, kmax, choiceD) c This subroutine reads a standard model Harvard 3D and 2D model c coefficients (and converts 2D coefficients to real spherical c harmonics). c April 26, 1999. c Last Modified: September 07, 1999. cccccccccc c Output: c A(l,m,k) = cosine coefficients c B(l,m,k) = sine coefficients c lmax = maximum angular degree c kmax = maximum order of the radial expansion c choiceD = 1 for 2D model and 2 for 3D model cccccccccc c=======Declaration=========== integer lmax, kmax real A(0:lmax,0:lmax,0:kmax), B(0:lmax,0:lmax,0:kmax) character*100, inputfile c--full filename from which the mode is read. integer choice_model c a value determining which model file is going to be read. integer choiceD c this is 1 for 2D model and 2 for 3D model. integer tmpl, tmpm c temporary values of l and m to check. integer l, m, k c======PROGRAM=============== do l = 0, lmax do m = 0, lmax do k = 0, kmax A(l,m,k) = 0.0 B(l,m,k) = 0.0 ! cleaning up end do ! end k loop end do ! end m loop end do ! end l loop 35 if (choiceD.eq.2) then ! 3D model print*, 'Choose one of the following models.' print*, ' 1. Shear Velocity Model' print*, ' 2. Compressional Velocity Model' print*, ' 3. Density Model' read*, choice_model if (choice_model.eq.1) then inputfile = 'sprd6_s' elseif (choice_model.eq.2) then inputfile = 'sprd6_p' elseif (choice_model.eq.3) then inputfile = 'sprd6_r' else ! if a choice not allowed print*, choice_model, ' is not one of the options.' go to 35 end if ! if (choice_model.eq.1)... elseif (choiceD.eq.1) then ! 2D model print*, 'Choose one of the following models.' print*, ' 1. Free-Surface Dynamic Topography Model' print*, ' 2. 660-km Discontinuity Model' print*, ' 3. Core-Mantle Boundary Model' read*, choice_model if (choice_model.eq.1) then inputfile = 'sprd6_fs.XCS' elseif (choice_model.eq.2) then inputfile = 'sprd6_d660.XCS' elseif (choice_model.eq.3) then inputfile = 'sprd6_dcmb.XCS' else ! if a choice not allowed print*, choice_model, ' is not one of the options.' go to 35 end if ! if (choice_model.eq.1)... end if ! if (choiceD.eq.2)... open(10, file = inputfile) ! opening the model file rewind(10) if (choiceD.eq.2) then ! if 3D model do k = 0, kmax do l = 0, lmax read(10,*), A(l,0,k), (A(l,m,k), B(l,m,k), m = 1, l) if (B(l,0,k).ne.0.0) then ! check print*, '!!Error: B(l,0,k).ne.0.0 for k = ', k, ', l = ', l, + ' (sub_readModel.f)' B(l,0,k) = 0.0 end if ! if (B(l,0,k).ne.0.0) end do ! end l loop end do ! end k loop elseif (choiceD.eq.1) then ! if 2D model do l = 0, lmax do m = 0, l read(10,*), tmpl, tmpm, A(l,m,0), B(l,m,0) if ( then ! check print*, '!!Error(sub_readModel): tmpl = ', tmpl, + ' l = ', l end if ! if ( if ( then ! check print*, '!!Error(sub_readModel): tmpm = ', tmpm, + ' m = ', m end if ! if ( if ( then ! converting to real coefficients A(l,m,0) = 2.0*A(l,m,0) B(l,m,0) = -2.0*B(l,m,0) end if ! if ( end do ! end m loop end do ! end l loop end if ! if (choiceD.eq.2)... close(10) RETURN END