subroutine chebyshev_mantle (T, kmax, radius) c This subroutine calculates chebyshev polynomial in the c mantle (at a given radius). c July 31, 1999. c Last Modified: July 31, 1999. cccccccccc c Input: c kmax = maximum order of Chebyshev polynomials c radius = radius within mantle in kilometres c Output: c T = chebyshev polynomial at the given radius cccccccccc integer kmax c maximum order of chebyshev polynomial real T(0:kmax) c Chebyshev polynomial at a given position real radius c radius = radius at which T is calculated. This c needs to be in km. real rMOHO, rCMB parameter (rMOHO = 6346.6, rCMB = 3480.0) c rMOHO = radius at MOHO in PREM c rCMB = radius of CMB in PREM. real x c x = position between -1 and 1. integer k c do loop variable c==========PROGRAM=============== do k = 0, kmax T(k) = 0.0 ! initial cleaning up end do ! end k loop c first, check radius to be within the mantle. if (( then print*, '!!Error: input radius = ', radius, ' km (sub_chebyshev.f)' print*, ' Need radius within the mantle. (sub_chebyshev.f)' print*, 'Quitting sub_chebyshev.f ...' go to 15 end if ! if (( c convert radius to x (i.e., between -1 and 1 value) x = (2.0*radius - rMOHO - rCMB)/(rMOHO - rCMB) c print*, 'x = ', x, ' (sub_chebyshev.f)' call chebyshev(T, kmax, x) 15 return END c****************************************************************** subroutine chebyshev (T, kmax, x) c This subroutine calculates chebyshev polynomial at a c given position. c July 31, 1999. c Last Modified: July 31, 1999. cccccccccc c Input: c kmax = maximum order of Chebyshev polynomials c x = value between -1 and 1 c Output: c T = chebyshev polynomial at the given radius cccccccccc cccccccccc c Note: Chebyshev Polynomial Recursion Relationship c This subroutine uses the recursion relationship of Chebyshev c polynomials (not satisfying the closure) c T_n(x) = 2*x*T_{n-1}(x) - T_{n-2}(x) c Reference: c Gradshteyn, I.S., & Ryzhik, I.M., 1980. c Table of Integrals, Series, and Products. (corrected and c enlarged edition) c p1032, Academic Press, Inc., London, England. cccccccccc cccccccccc c Note: Chebyshev Polynomial Closure Relationship c Chebyshev polynomials have the relation c int_{-1}^{1} [T_n(x)]**2 dx = 1 - 1/(4n*n-1) c = (4n*n-2)/(4n*n-1) c Reference: c Gradshteyn, I.S., & Ryzhik, I.M., 1980. c Table of Integrals, Series, and Products. (corrected and c enlarged edition) c p833, Academic Press, Inc., London, England. cccccccccc integer kmax c maximum order of chebyshev polynomial to be made real T(0:kmax) c Chebyshev polynomial at a given position real x c x = position between -1 and 1. integer N_Tn parameter (N_Tn = 20) c This is the maximum order allowed in Tn. real Tn(0:N_Tn) c This is the chebyshev polynomial without orthonormalisation. integer k c do loop variable c===========PROGRAM=============== do k = 0, kmax T(k) = 0.0 ! initial cleaning up end do ! end k loop if ( then ! need to change dimension of Tn print*, '!!Errror: Need to change dimensions of Tn '// + ' in subroutine chebyshev (sub_chebyshev.f)' print*, ' kmax = ', kmax, ' but N_Tn = ', N_Tn print*, 'Quitting subroutine chebyshev ...' go to 15 end if ! if ( do k = 0, N_Tn Tn(k) = 0.0 ! cleaning up end do ! end k loop c determining un-orthonormalised Chebyshev polynomials Tn(0) = 1.0 Tn(1) = x do k = 2, kmax Tn(k) = 2.0*x*Tn(k-1) - Tn(k-2) end do ! end k loop c orthonormalising... do k = 0, kmax T(k) = Sqrt( (4.0*Float(k*k)-1.0)/(4.0*Float(k*k)-2.0) )*Tn(k) end do ! end k loop 15 return END