program plot c This program converts 3D and 2D model in typical Harvard format and c converts into a format that can be used to plot the model in GMT. c Output file contains c longitude latitude value c where the value is in % for 3D models and in km for 2D models. cccccccccc c Subroutines: c kernel is in sub_kernel.f c readModel is in sub_readModel.f c switchLatLon in sub_switchLatLon c chebyshev_mantle in sub_chebyshev.f cccccccccc c July 29, 1999. c Last Modified: September 07, 1999. real block_size parameter (block_size = 3.0) c block_size = size of the blocks in degrees for plotting in GMT integer lmax, kmax parameter (lmax = 6, kmax = 13) c lmax = maximum angular degree. c kmax = maximum radial order. real Xlm(0:lmax, 0:lmax) c Legendre function and factors for a given l,m at a given point. integer nj, ni parameter (nj = Int(180.0*360.0/(block_size*block_size)) ) parameter (ni = (lmax+1)*(lmax+1) ) c nj = number of data points c ni = number of spherical coefficients real Gkernel(nj, ni) c Gkernel is the matrix containing the kernel. c Gkernel elements correpond to spherical harmonics at a given point. real A(0:lmax,0:lmax,0:kmax), B(0:lmax,0:lmax,0:kmax) c model coefficients in real spherical harmonics real depth, radius c-- depth = depth we are interested in c-- radius = radius of the Earth corresponding to the above depth real Tr(0:kmax) c single precisioned Chebyshev polynomials. integer i c counter to keep track of model position real model(ni) c model vector containing spherical harmonic coefficients. real data(nj), data_GMT(nj) c data = vector containing data at various points (fwd modelling result) c data_GMT = data vector containing values in GMT order logical there c this is .true. if kernel is already stored. character*200 filename c filename to which resulting data in GMT format is saved. character*10 ans_depth character*45 file_kernel real lat, lon c lat = latitude c lon = longitude character*5, ans_changeModel c this starts with 'y' if another model is going to be used. integer choiceD c this is 1 for 2D model and 2 for 3D model. real tmp_block_size c this is a temporary value which makes sure that the kernel c matrix has been calculated using the same block_size. integer k, l, m, j c variables used in do loops c==================PROGRAM============================ do l = 0, lmax do m = 0, lmax do k = 0, kmax A(l,m,k) = 0.0 B(l,m,k) = 0.0 ! initial cleaning up end do ! end k loop end do ! end m loop end do ! end l loop do k = 1, nj data(k) = 0.0 data_GMT(k) = 0.0 ! initial cleaning up end do ! end k loop tmp_block_size = 0.0 c First construct the kernel. inquire(file = 'kernel.dat', exist = there) if (.not.there) then call kernel(block_size, lmax, nj, ni, Gkernel, Xlm) elseif (there) then ! need to read kernel file_kernel = 'kernel.dat' open(110, file = file_kernel) rewind(110) read(110,*), tmp_block_size if (tmp_block_size.eq.block_size) then do j = 1, nj do i = 1, ni Gkernel(j,i) = 0.0 ! initial cleaning end do ! end i loop read(110,*), (Gkernel(j,i), i = 1, ni) ! reading elements end do ! end j loop close(110) elseif ( then close(110) ! make the kernel call kernel(block_size, lmax, nj, ni, Gkernel, Xlm) end if ! if (tmp_block_size.eq.block_size)... end if ! if (.not.there) c Read model 35 print*, 'Choose one of the following:' print*, ' 1. expand a 2D (topography) model' print*, ' 2. expand a 3D (S, P, or R) model' read*, choiceD if (( then print*, choiceD, ' is not allowed.' go to 35 end if ! if (( call readModel(A, B, lmax, kmax, choiceD) c Convert a 3D model to 2D. if (choiceD.eq.2) then ! if 3D model 25 print*, 'Enter depth in km.' read*, depth if (( then ! above MOHO print*, 'Enter depth within the mantle (between 24.4 and 2891.0).' go to 25 end if ! if (( radius = 6371.0 - depth do k = 0, kmax Tr(k) = 0.0 ! cleaning up end do ! end k loop call chebyshev_mantle (Tr, kmax, radius) ! calculating radial functions at a given depth do i = 1, ni ! cleaning up model(i) = 0.0 end do ! end i loop i = 1 ! initial value do l = 0, lmax do m = 0, l do k = 0, kmax ! summing over radial terms model(i) = model(i) + A(l,m,k)*Tr(k) if ( then model(i+1) = model(i+1) + B(l,m,k)*Tr(k) end if ! if ( end do ! end k loop i = i + 1 if ( then i = i + 1 end if ! if ( end do ! end m loop end do ! end l loop elseif (choiceD.eq.1) then ! if 2D model do i = 1, ni ! cleaning up model(i) = 0.0 end do ! end i loop i = 1 ! initial value do l = 0, lmax do m = 0, l model(i) = A(l,m,0) if ( then model(i+1) = B(l,m,0) end if ! if ( i = i + 1 if ( then i = i + 1 end if ! if ( end do ! end m loop end do ! end l loop end if ! if (choiceD.eq.2)... if ( then ! checking length print*, '!!Error(plot.f): i-1 = ', i-1, ' but ni = ', ni print*, 'Quitting...' go to 15 end if ! if ( do k = 1, nj data(k) = 0.0 data_GMT(k) = 0.0 ! cleaning up end do ! end k loop c now doing foward calculations. do j = 1, nj do i = 1, ni data(j) = data(j) + Gkernel(j,i)*model(i) end do ! end i loop end do ! end j loop c saving the data in GMT format print*, 'Enter the filename to which GMT format result is saved.' read*, filename ! re-arranging the data vector for GMT format. call switchLatLon(block_size, nj, data, data_GMT) open(120, file = filename) rewind(120) j = 1 ! initial position do lon = block_size/2.0, 360.0, block_size do lat = block_size/2.0 - 90.0, 90.0, block_size if (choiceD.eq.2) then ! if 3D model write(120,*), lon, lat, data_GMT(j)*100.0 ! factor of 100.0 for converting into % elseif (choiceD.eq.1) then ! if 2D model write(120,*), lon, lat, data_GMT(j)*6371.0 ! factor of 6371.0 for converting into km end if ! if (choiceD.eq.2)... j = j + 1 end do ! end lat/lon loop end do ! end lon/lat loop close(120) c checking for dimension if ( then print*, '!!Error(plot.f-save): j-1 = ', j-1, ' but nj = ', nj print*, 'Quitting plot.f ...' go to 15 end if ! if ( if (choiceD.eq.2) then ! if 3D model print*, 'Try another depth?' read*, ans_depth if (ans_depth(1:1).eq.'y') then go to 25 end if ! if (ans_depth(1:1).eq.'y') end if ! if (choiceD.eq.2) print*, 'Try another model?' read*, ans_changeModel if (ans_changeModel(1:1).eq.'y') then go to 35 end if ! if (ans_changeModel(1:1).eq.'y') 15 END